How to Survive...Your Child’s Endless Homework

By Nicole Chia 2020-06-28 10:37:52

By the time your child gets old enough, there isn’t an afternoon or weekend that goes by where you don’t think at least once, “I NEVER got this much homework at their age”. And although your personal childhood memories may be rose-tinted, chances are your thoughts aren’t helping your kid tackle the mountain of homework that somehow keeps pilling up on the table. Here are some strategies to help you and your child overcome their endless schoolwork:

1) Set aside a time to sit down and discuss your child’s homework. This gives them the space to talk about their concerns and what they are finding easy or hard currently at school. Just talking and listening to your child about their concerns can help them get motivated and also help them to work out their own answers. This is especially important because, let’s face it, you have no idea how to help them with whatever it is they brought home. So, having your child chat it out also gives you time to search whatever the heck they’re talking about on your phone while you nod and smile at them encouragingly all while silently panicking that you have no idea what tessellations are or how to draw them.

2) Create a safe study zone. As much as you need a comfortable place to work, your child needs the same. Help them create a good study space that’s fun to work in with little distractions around them. Set them up in a well-lit area with a comfortable chair, supplies within reach, a drink and 50 snacks. Okay, maybe 75 snacks since you know that’s what they're going to ask for anyway. Make sure that distractions are kept to a minimum including having yourself around which means you get to run away and watch Netflix until they’re done!

3) Be your kid’s best motivator. Ask questions about your child’s homework, give them little tests and quiz- zes about the content they're studying, give encouragement, and check their completed homework. Sure, you’ll be annoying but the best case scenario is they’ll get their homework done faster just to make you leave them alone.

4) Don’t be too hard on them when they come home with a few bad marks. Kids are under a lot of pressure these days to perform - when sometimes they should just be concentrating on being kids! Chances are, your little superstar isn’t going to be the best at everything, so, when little Timmy comes home with an A instead of an A+, cut him some slack. Besides, you’re the one that helped him out with that homework and you know all those wrong answers were yours!

Children are more successful in school when parents take an active role in helping them with their homework. But, tackling homework should never mean spending hours hunched over a desk with a stressed-out parent and an upset child. Show- ing an active interest in helping your child with their homework reinforces that what they are doing is important to you as well. Also, helping them with their homework ensures happy hour on Friday arrives that much sooner! Even if ‘helping’ your child with their algebra means googling all the answers for them. TGIF!
